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New Toronto Courthouse


The New Toronto Courthouse isn’t merely a building; it’s a symbol of Toronto’s evolution. Set against the city’s iconic skyline, its stunning architecture is a testament to modern design, seamlessly blending form and function.

Kelson’s Signature Touch:
Heart of Toronto –More than a courthouse, this structure reflects Toronto's commitment to justice, progress, and innovation. Nestled in the heart of the city, it stands as a beacon of Toronto's bright future.

Architectural Marvel: Beyond its purpose, the courthouse dazzles with its design. Kelson prides itself on complementing this architectural masterpiece with top-tier internal mechanics.

Masterful Mechanics: Our state-of-the-art mechanical systems infuse functionality into every floor. From precise HVAC calibration to streamlined plumbing, Kelson ensures the building operates at its pinnacle.

Green & Keen: The courthouse's ambitious LEED Silver aspirations are powered by Kelson's eco-conscious solutions, setting new standards for urban sustainability.

For a city that never settles for the ordinary, the New Toronto Courthouse is a proud emblem of what Toronto represents. With Kelson at the helm of its mechanical systems, it’s where world-class architecture and Canadian justice meet unparalleled functionality.