University of Toronto Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Completion: June 15, 2018
Location: Toronto
Total Construction Value: $75,000,000
Size: 160,000 sq.ft.
The University of Toronto Center for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CEIE) is a new building on the St. George campus property. This 160,000 sq.ft. of new assignable space over 8 levels and 500 seat interactive auditorium, labs, and two additional basement levels. This “smart building” features state-of-the art technology enhanced active learning rooms intended to foster experimental learning and cross disciplinary collaboration. This new facility focuses on water, sustainable energy, robotics and mechatronic, engineering leadership, multi-disciplinary design, and global engineering. It is the most energy efficient building on campus, targeting Toronto Green Standards Tier II.
Mechanical Systems
Central steam connections to new clean steam generator, 4 steam to water heat exchangers, 7 water to glycol heat exchangers, 8 air handling units, 9 return air fans, 3 heat recovery units, 2 chillers c/w cooling tower. Under Floor Air Distribution System (UFAD) and atrium space to make sure the systems were achieving its low energy consumption goals. The exposed concrete structure interior design concept would not allow any surface mounted materials therefore system layout and sleeving for services were critical before the concrete was poured. The incorporation of BIM technology and cooperation amongst all trades allowed the work to be successfully undertaken. A smaller roof top chiller was incorporated into the mechanical design to provide cooling to the IT/Telecom rooms during the winter months. This added cooling equipment allowed the main chiller to be seasonally shut down for energy savings. Steam use for heat transfer to the various heating systems was obtained from the University’s central boiler plant via a connection to the high pressure steam tunnel adjacent to the building. This eliminated the need to install a boiler plant within the new building. The University of Toronto CEIE building is the most sustainable post- secondary building in Canada.