Savvis Data Centre
Completion: August 13, 2014
Location: Markham
Total Construction Value: $20,000,000
Size: 100000 sq. ft.
Designed to serve growing demand for access to secure colocation, managed hosting, and cloud services in Canada, Savvis’s new 100,000-square-foot TR3 data centre supports up to five megawatts of IT load.
Mechanical Systems
This was a fast-track project using exterior plant with computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units. The mechanical system serving the facility consists of a Tier III chilled water variable primary system for the critical areas and air-to-air heat pumps for the office area. Kelson’s scope of work included:
- Install new exterior fuel oil system for generators
- Coordinate and install chilled water piping system below raised floor
- Install domestic, sanitary, and storm systems and integrate with existing systems
- Install reverse osmosis and humidification systems
- Install heat tracing for exterior plant
- Install HVAC system and integrate with existing supply equipment
- Install split system air conditioners for the office space and loading area
Project Highlights
- We used prefabricated pipe runs to meet schedule challenges.
- The facility will receive Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute, signifying high availability through redundancy.