
Credit Valley Hospital Redevelopment

Completion: May 01, 2011

Location: Mississauga

Total Construction Value: $162,800,000

Size: 270000 sq. ft. (New), 70000 sq. ft. (Reno)

The expansion of the Credit Valley Hospital involved about 270,000 square feet of new construction and 70,000 square feet of renovations. It increased the hospital’s available beds, doubled the number of birthing suites, and provided additional space for laboratory services, genetics counseling, inpatient rehabilitation and mental health care, and other services. The final milestone of the project was the opening of the Erin Mills Regional Women’s and Children’s Health Centre, which houses a comprehensive range of programs including an advanced neonatal intensive care unit and the largest pediatrics oncology satellite program in Ontario outside of the Hospital for Sick Children.

Mechanical Systems

Kelson’s project scope included the following:

  • Construct two mechanical rooms that provide services to support the laboratories, patient, and isolation rooms
  • Install specialized piping systems serving the labs, including compressed air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, reverse-osmosis water, vacuum, and clean steam
  • Extend chilled water, heating water, and steam and condensate piping from existing systems
  • Commission the project and deliver it to a third-party commissioning agent for verification