Royal Military College – Lake Water Cooling
Completion: June 24, 2014
Location: Kingston
Total Construction Value: $2,375,000
Size: 1000 sq. ft.
Multiple buildings at the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston had used raw lake water as condenser water for the operation of chillers. The scope of this project was to construct a new pump house for the pumps, heat exchangers, filters, and chlorine dioxide generator needed to provide a closed condenser water loop in order to keep contaminants (especially zebra mussels) out of the mechanical equipment. The pump house is a mechanical room only but has an architectural stone exterior with landscaped and graded surroundings appropriate to the RMC campus.
Mechanical Systems
Kelson is overseeing all aspects of the scope on this project:
- Modify existing pipe work in multiple buildings to transition from an open loop to a closed loop configuration
- Provide all welded stainless steel piping on the lake water side of the open loop
- Provide 3D layout and prefabrication of all piping in the pump house
Project Highlights
This project had a number of interesting challenges:
- We worked with diving contractors to perform in-water work for the lake-water piping inlet and outlets.
- The system was configured to accommodate monitoring and maintaining the temperature of water discharged back into the lake below a threshhold mandated by the Ministry of Environment.
- The sequence of operations allows for a maximum cooling condition where multiple chillers are running simultaneously on the system. Kelson worked with consultants to implement programming/balancing protocols that allow the system to conserve energy and change the flow requirements depending on chiller demand.